THM-DIA-2019.1.4.40 - Our rising agriculture


black-and-white filmstrip agriculture cultivation collective farm vegetable potato 1954

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IMAGE ID: THM-DIA-2019.1.4.40

PUBLISHER: Magyar Fotó Dia-osztálya, Budapest commisioned by Ministry of Public Education

DATE: 1954

TECHNIQUE: black-and-white filmstrip, 46 frames

SUMMARY: This episode of the Talking Pictures series discusses the production, trade and development opportunities of potato and other vegetables: onions, peppers, cabbage, etc. in Hungary with examples of cooperative and individual farming. Written by: László Koltai, edited by Péterné Kende, proof-reader: Vera Lakatos, editor-in-chief: István Oláh, publisher: István Csongrádi.
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