THM-DIA-2018.2.15.02 - Our class brothers and comrades in arms


black-and-white filmstrip propaganda socialism society social class national defense brothers in arms socialist country imperialism 1975

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IMAGE ID: THM-DIA-2018.2.15.02

PUBLISHER: Magyar Diafilmgyártó Vállalat, Budapest commissioned by MN [Hungarian People's Army]

DATE: [1975]

TECHNIQUE: black-and-white filmstrip, 25 frames

SUMMARY: This propaganda filmstrip discusses the strategic collaboration between the countries of the socialist camp. It emphasizes the significance of the Warsaw Pact and the modernization of weaponry in the WP countries; through historical examples it also portrays the socialist class brotherhood and friendship in arms. Written and compiled by Lieutenant Colonel István Sterl, edited by Major Miklós Virág.
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