THM-DIA-2013.20.9.47 - Illustrations to the history of the Communist (Bolshevik) Party of the Soviet Union (1912-1914)


black-and-white filmstrip propaganda Lenin Stalin Bolshevism Soviet labour movement communism 1951

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IMAGE ID: THM-DIA-2018.2.9.47

PUBLISHER: [Magyar Fotó Dia-osztálya, Budapest]

DATE: [1951]

TECHNIQUE: black-and-white filmstrip, 48 frames

SUMMARY: The propaganda film gives an overview of the labor movements' struggles and union strikes before World War I. It presents the leaders of the Bolsheviks, and discusses the "reasons" for breaking with the Mensevik wing of the of the Russian Social Democratic Party. Edited by László Réti, director of the Workers’ Movement Institute (Magyar Munkásmozgalmi Intézet).
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